Maine is very rich in ski history, yet many people do not realize it nor recognize the place this history holds within the American ski world. Because of this, many of those who have valued the special spirit our sport entails are concerned this history will be lost.
It is this concern which motivated the founders of the Ski Museum of Maine to organize. Established with the mission to “preserve and publicize the business of skiing in Maine, while celebrating Maine’s ski history and heritage,” the board of directors has undertaken a number of projects to identify and preserve our skiing heritage and to share this heritage with the younger generations. The formation of the Maine Ski Hall of Fame is an exciting outcome of this effort.
Selected Ski Museum of Maine images:
Loading the main T-bar, Bridgton, ca. 1955
Pleasant Mountain trail system, ca. 1950s
Riding the Old Blue chairlift at Pleasant Mountain, ca. 1972
Instructor shows his style, Bridgton, ca. 1965
Lacing ski boots, Pleasant Mountain, ca. 1955
Skiers, Pleasant Mountain, Bridgton, 1963
Posing at Pleasant Mountain, Bridgton, ca. 1955
Kids load the T-bar, Bridgton, ca. 1955.
George Foley, Bill Gorman, Alta, Utah, 1952
Chummy Broomhall shows his kick-and-glide style in Rumford in 1939
Champion skiers and coaches, Rumford, ca. 1965
Christy McHugh, Carroll, New Hampshire, 1951